
Simple Meditation Techniques

Even when there seems to be no time to get on the mat and do a little yoga, a brief meditation session can be centering and calming -- a mini meditation is the perfect break in a hectic day or week. If you don't normally do any kind of meditation here are a few ideas for creating a practice. Begin by making yourself comfortable. Don't sit in a position that you can't easily sit in for 5 to 10 minutes. It's fine to sit in a comfy chair if that's nicer for your body than sitting on a mat. If you do sit on a mat or on the floor, put a folded blanket or cushion under your bottom and sit at the edge of it in simple cross legged position to help tilt your pelvis forward a little and make it easier for you to sit comfortably.
Once you're comfortable, focus on your breath. Try counting each breath -- inhale 1, exhale 2, inhale 3, exhale 4 etc. up to 12 and then start again at 1. You may find your mind starting to wander to grocery lists, work projects or the new James Bond flick. This is our notorious monkey mind at work -- your brain doing what we've trained it to do -- stay busily in contact with us about all the things on all our lists. Gently bring your focus back to your breath with a smile and acknowledge that your job at the moment is to be present with your breath -- feel the air as it enters your body, relax your mind -- you can get back to lists and laundry after you are done with meditation time.
If you are interested in exploring meditation there are plenty of classes and groups around that you can practice with and you can explore a few more methods by browsing this Yoga Journal article on meditation practices and techniques.

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